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  1. Treat every firearm as if it is loaded. Including rubber and simunitions guns.

  2. Never point your weapon at anything you don’t intend to shoot.

  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until intending to fire.

  4. Keep your weapon on safe until ready to fire.

  5. Know your target and its surroundings.

Do's & Don'ts

  1. ALWAYS wear eye and ear protection.

  2. No open toed shoes, heels or otherwise unstable footwear.

  3. No low cut shirts, sagging pants, plumbers crack, or excessively revealing clothes.

  4. No political or offensive paraphernalia, including clothing, gun designs, flags, bandanas, etc. Leave the drama at home.

  5. Violations of firearms rules are grounds for immediate dismissal.

  6. NO alcohol, drugs, or any other form of impairment. If you SMELL of drugs or alcohol, you will be banned. No debate.

  7. Working pets ARE ALLOWED…. We welcome our furry butt kickers but you must be absolutely certain your pet is able to handle the environment. Keep them on leashes and/ or under control at all times. Do NOT touch anyone else’s pet unless given permission! Remember that shooting will hurt your pet’s hearing the same as yours.

  8. CEASE FIRE! If you hear the command immediately stop firing, place weapon on safe and echo the command. Everyone is responsible for safety. If you see an unsafe act, call CEASE FIRE and wait for an Instructor or RSO.

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